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Clifton Truman Daniel is the oldest grandson of President Harry S. Truman and his wife, Bess. He is the son of author Margaret Truman and former New York Times Managing Editor E. Clifton Daniel Jr. Mr. Daniel is honorary chairman of the board of the Truman Library Institute and board secretary of the Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation. He is the author of Growing Up With My Grandfather: Memories of Harry S. Truman and Dear Harry, Love Bess: Bess Truman’s Letters to Harry Truman, 1919-1943. In addition to portraying his famous grandfather on stage, Mr. Daniel gives a series of lectures on various aspects of the Truman presidency and US and White House history. The following is a short collection of his media appearances. 

white house restoration

In a Feb. 28, 2018 lecture for the White House Historical Association, Clifton Truman Daniel outlines the causes for the White House's deterioration and the 1948-1952 gut rehab that booted his grandparents across the street to Blair House, but preserved this symbol of American democracy. See full video


The Missouri Lodge of Research presents for its September 2012 Truman Lecture Series, Clifton Truman Daniel, grandson of MWB & President Harry S Truman, at their annual meeting on September 28, 2010. His presentation is titled: "Growing up Truman".


NYC High Schools Presentation By Clifton Truman Daniel, the oldest grandson of 33rd U.S. President Harry S. Truman, on Atomic Bomb Survivors of Japan and their stories.  6 min 28 secs, HD, in English May 1, 2014, 9:00am ~ 10:30am Martin Luther King, Jr. Educational Complex NYC New York, NY.



Other media appearances on C-SPAN available through their website.